Don’t you dare, let anyone,
take that smile away from you.
No matter how broke you are.
No matter how lonely you feel.
No matter how gloomy life becomes.
Don’t lose that smile.
Don’t you dare, lose it.
When the darkness will consume,
you, your life and your heart.
When your mind will be foreshadowed
by thoughts sick and grim.
That smile, will act as your
Knight in the shining armour.
Because, when nothing in
your life will make sense,
and you’ll feel there’s no
point staying here, in this
world filled with humans
whose hearts are so
corrupt that even the devil
would think twice before
making a deal with them.
Your smile, it will remind,
you and the people around,
that one should never give up,
because of the people around,
because they don’t even matter.
What matters, in the end,
is you, and your happiness.
Don’t you dare, let anyone,
take that smile away from you.
Smile, even in your darkest times.
Because your smile might give,
someone else the strength to fight.
-Abhishek Gupta.